OpenGeophysical - Seismic Processing Software

OpenCPS provides...

  • interactive processing
  • APIs for developing proprietary tools in C++, Java, Fortran 90
  • APIs that allow OpenCPS to read and write proprietary formats
  • integrated user-interface design
  • 2D/3D visualization with random access for large datasets
  • allows processors to run flows interactively and view the data at any stage of the flow.
  • job replication for parallel processing

Most importantly, OpenCPS is undergoing rapid development to ensure it continues to provide the capabilities critical for cutting-edge seismic processing.


Click to see close-ups.

2D Viewer

2D Viewer

2D viewer. Comparisons, synchronization, and support for multiple formats and multi-dimensional data. Fast.

JavaSeis Visualization

JavaSeis Visualization

The 3D viewer shows you more data in less time. Simply double-click in the 2D viewer, and OpenCPS instantly navigates to the 3D viewer. Rapidly navigate through your data by dragging the green control lines to slice your data, then navigate back to the 2D viewer by double-clicking a cube face.

Interactive Processing

Interactive Processing

Interactive processing of a JavaSeis dataset. The processor navigates the data by selecting a region of the dataset in the lower left navigation view. When the processor selects a section of data (e.g. a gather) or changes a parameter, the flow runs and displays its data in the visualization pane. With modern computers, most preprocessing tools are fast enough to be used in an interactive flow.

Parallel Processing

Parallel Processing

Run hundreds or even thousands of replicated jobs through OpenCPS with ease.

A Dolphin Geophysical Company      |      Software for the 21st century      |